31 October 2013


Happy Hallowe'en! Went to see a movie last weekend as part of Horrorthon called 'Discopath' - it's about a guy who gets an uncontrollable urge to kill whenever he hears disco music. It's set in New York and Montreal in the 70s and it is flipping awesome. It's the perfect mix of horror, comedy and sweet disco tunes! Not sure if it was supposed to be as amusing and schlocky as we thought it was but we all loved it. Some amazing gore and creepiness balanced out with amazing Beastie Boy style cops, fast paced action (the movie flew by at only 80 mins) and a load of lesbians thrown in for good measure. Not for everyone of course, but it was basically my dream movie! We might have to show this at a future Swooner Movie Night!

This song features a good bit:

Discopath on IMDB

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